you were the most wonderful mother-in-law a girl could want. you will be so sorely missed.
requiem eternamrequeim eternam dona eisDomine, et lux perpetua luceat eisrequiescant in pace amen.
please remember Patricia & her family in your prayers. her funeral Mass is on 16 july, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

for now i'm taking a bit of a break from blogging. a very special thank you to my prayer warriors in the Eternal City... with love until next time, QdiB
we support and pray for you guys!
john and chris
oh debbie,
i remember that first photo
last year...
she was so sweet to me
and seemed to enjoy the day
and the shrine so much.
i still wear the medal
she gave me
and felt
she was an angel
to be so thoughtful
to include me this way.
i know you will miss her.
how fortunate for you all
to have been so close.
i am certain you are comforted
by many happy memories.
your family is surrounded
by love...
Thoughts, love and prayers...
Please give D. a special hug from me and from Daniele. We send you all our love. xxx Sally @ casalba
my heart is with you, and my prayers too.
I so sorry for your loss, and I'm keeping you all tightly in my heart.
Hi, just read your post. I am so sorry for your lost. I have faced so much of the same in the past two years. My M-IN-Law just had a mini stroke yesterday. My prayers and love are with you and your family.
More hugs...She looked like a lovely person, such an open smile.
May she have a safe and happy journey to the other side. She is with your family, always.
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