in the beginning of may D. & i celebrated our anniversary with a perfect get-a-way to a nearby island...

a place accessible only by ferry with a wind-swept wildness to it that both enticed me & unnerved me...

my dreamer self kept saying "you would love to live here" & my practical self (the one that keeps tabs on home maintenance & pays bills) kept saying "no you wouldn't!"...

no matter, that didn't stop me from leaving my actual stress & worry behind as the mainland faded out of sight...

my cares floated away...into the wake of the boat, looking light a trail of rose petals until all that was left was the moment...

on the island we settled into the rhythm of the tides...hiking, climbing, snoozing, floating...

around every corner was something to refresh...

& just how was i so certain that this was the perfect get-a-way?? at the end of the journey i was just as excited to return home!