when i was planning the school year (*BIG* lists involved here!) over the summer, i began to wonder (in a bit of a panic, i confess) just how much we were living what we really believed. or were we just concerned about the "must do" stuff (state & college requirements). hmmmm... not that these things aren't important, but what about the concept of truly embracing life & living joyously?
then i stumbled across a homeschool blogger i enjoy and her post about the Rule of 6.
i read & pondered.
this wasn't someone's list for me to live by...it was a list i would thoughtfully compile, based on our own unique family life...to keep the focus, especially as it relates to nurturing & homeschooling my children. i see it as a generic "what must we incorporate into our lives here at chez piacere everyday, just for us" guide. & it has turned out to be a very good tool as i have prepared the new school year.
(disclaimer...i realize that not everyone who reads this is Catholic/Christian. this is not meant to be a judgment on another; it is simply my sharing of what holds meaning for us.)
Our Rule of 6...
include in each day...
*Attention to our faith...privately & as a family
*Caring for others...compassionate awareness of those around us
*Choices based on...whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, & worthy of praise
*Personal care...mind, body & soul
*Time in nature...fresh air, rain or shine
*Meaningful work that provides growth & enrichment...mental, physical,cultural/beautiful, movement, & silence/stillness
as i worked on this, it amazed me that it is so possible for a day to slip by without *ever* touching on something elemental & deep-seated if i don't make a conscious choice to include it. i want my children to grow in thoughtfulness regarding who they are & what is important to them.
& so another school year has begun, in hopeful joy...