28 July 2007

it was a dark, stormy night...

...really it was! a few days ago D. & i watched a storm move in from the distance. there is something to be said for living in a flat locale, although i do miss those mountains of my youth. the sky is so *big* here, and let me tell you, that reality is driven home when a storm is on the way.

i love watching the weather scene around here, especially when it is changeable. as long as we have no tornado warnings (one of my phobias - first hint of a tornado...then i am with Phil in the bathtub!), i am running from first floor to second, window to window to get the whole picture. Sunrises, sunsets & storms are of particular interest.
this serious of pictures is really my coup d'etat of weather photos...after thousands of snap-n-deletes, i captured lightening! i was beside myself with glee that night!

now, before you get too excited, it was not the cloud-to-ground bolt, but rather the cloud-to-cloud type that lights up the entire sky. the effect here was different than what we usually see - it actually outlined some of the clouds in the foreground. in the shots it looks like a funky sunset.
early dusk...still some daylight left, but the storm is moving in...
getting darker...still stormy...(view shifted just a bit to the left from the photo above)...
just a moment after the above shot...lightening!!!...high in the sky and on the horizon views...
and one more time for good measure...
(this is blogging mom filling in for our "official" meteorologist Little Man, who went to Dairy Queen that night!...you just can't miss this stuff!)


Anonymous said...

gorgeous pics...when I lived in Oklahoma, I used to love to watch the "electric storms"...

and an occasional tornado sighting...

before I was in the closet - with my dog.... lo!

thanks for stopping by...just got my nails "did"... :-)

qualcosa di bello said...

thanks for the visit Andrena! looking forward to hearing about your Sunday past!