a quiet morning in the sun, one that was touched with only the gentlest of southerly breezes (a welcome respite from last week's incessant, howling winds), lent itself to daydreaming...

a hound at my feet & a cup of coffee in my hand (italian, the good stuff!) this day without a single notation on the to-do calendar...

it could be a day of a million things or a day of nothing. rare & precious.

my reverie was soon happily interrupted by the jangling of boat keys & a request...

our junior meteorologist is also a superb boat captain & he wanted to know if his momma wanted to take a ride. sure did!!!...

so with camera in hand we spent the morning exploring a tidal creek...

a place so quiet & still, teeming with life...

even an alligator stopped to say "hi"...

the scent of autumn on the wind (if you could bottle that smell, you could cure the world!)...

poor Big Bro had to work through the morning at the bakery, but i did send him solace in the form of a text message...did he want to surf after work? yes, in fact, he did!

kyle is ripping up the eastern seaboard with prime rides for surfers. & the beach offered another indulgent moment for lolly-gaggers like me (hey, there's that word again!)...

is there anything so luxurious as warm sand under your feet?? had i been any more relaxed yesterday, someone could have mistaken me for a beached jellyfish! now it is monday in all its back-into-the-swing-of-things glory...may you have a wonderful week!!
I can't believe you were so near to an alligator! A real one!
you're reckless, you know?!
went to the beach today,
few day~trippers
so i am all over that
we have to take
what we can between the 'canes
the nor'easter around here.
our beaches are piled
with ocean detritus
after all the windy weather.
{{isn't caludia up there so cute!
we have real gators around here
in almost every single water body.
we don't get TOO upset
until the gators
grow over 4 feet
which can happen over night,
it would seem}}
does fall make you feel wistful sometimes? the time passing thing....
maybe that is JUST ME feeling
the presence of Time
but this makes me smile--->lolly~gagging,
even just saying it.........
Thank you for your kind words. This is journey we must all travel, at some point or another of our lives, some of us take longer to find our way through the heavy fog of sadness. But we can do get there. Each of us, in our time.
Your pictures are wonderful.
A wide variety of great photos.
claudia...you are the first person *ever* to call me reckless! ;)
spf...heck, that was a baby 'gator i was photographing from the safety of the boat :D... & he was lolly-gagging too!
dory...your words are so true...hugs to you.
britt-arnhild...isn't it great how the internet allows us to 'travel' in & out of each other's worlds & see such beauty?!
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