24 February 2008


new day, new week...full of hope! spring is around the corner (but the north wind still has his say about things!)...this third sunday of lent~ in the early morning quiet~ has me reflecting about how much more busy my lenten prayer life has been, oh-so-much more busy than i bargained for back on ash wednesday. such is the way of things.

in so many cases, when another is suffering in some way, there is only so much those around may actually do. sometimes that is because of distance. or because there is nothing more left undone. but prayers winged heavenward...there are never too many of them. we can never be sure of the answers we will receive, but we can take comfort in their holding us together in tough times. they are seeds sown in time from which abundant fruit may later come.i'm feeling a great relief after a week of events that rock, or at least shake, one's world. M. is home from the hospital & that in & of itself is nothing short of a miracle given how her situation started. she still has a long road of rest & recovery but she is tough!

Brooke has been able to walk & though she also has a long road of recovery, her progress is encouraging & the love around her will bear her up.

& boyworld is off the couch & back out into the world...

thank you all so very, very much who have kept those dear to us in your hearts & prayers!! we are all so grateful.


on a much lighter note~~an update about the secret life of bees! would you believe that while boyworld & i wallowed in the flu, they filmed at D.'s hospital??? where is the justice in that? they could have waited until we were back on our feet, right... ;-)

there is some salvation though...a very thoughtful person did bring Dakota Fanning's autograph home for certain members of casa piacere! & D. did take some photos that are still on his phone (i will work on that later this week...)

gratitude tumbling into the new week...

42. a breathtaking total lunar eclipse last week with a clear starry sky43. airplanes~~ that carry us closer to loved ones, that ferry us away on great adventures, that raise us above cloud cover to magnificent skies

44. healing in spite of great odds

45. that from the barest of branches in winter's holdwill soon push a budthat will unfold into long-awaited beauty!
may your week bloom with joy!


Anonymous said...

Many thing to be grateful for and to thank God for!
Sending you a prayer of peace.

the mother of this lot said...

What a lovely post! I am so glad everyone seems to be on the mend. I will keep praying for full recoveries!

Karen Cole said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up for you and your loved ones.

That beautiful sunset says it all.

xo Karen

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, beautiful photos..as always :)

qualcosa di bello said...

constance...i feel wrapped in it...thank you! & thanks for your frida kahlo smiles!

motl...me too! & i am grateful for your prayers.

karen...welcome back!! it was a magnificent thing to behold

maryann...you make me blush...thanks

Karina said...

Another beautiful post. Your posts are truly inspiring to me, just thought I'd let you know.

Glad the healing prayers seem to have helped and everyone is on the road to recovery.

Annie Jeffries said...

Good morning dear Deb. What a positive note to include in my day. so much to be grateful for. Still thinking of R in Florida and her loved one. Every thought is a prayer. Anne

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that your friend is doing better- I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers though:)

I always feel such peace at your place, when I visit....thank you:)