10 July 2007

yes, another birthday!!

J. you are in the hot seat today!!!! And you had better be havin' some fun...
If i could be there, you would be smelling a fresh batch of BROWNIES coming out of the oven & we would eat them all (yes, ALL!) on the beach surrounded by PURPLE TULIPS while EDWIN & the FULL band (yes, Pete Riley for sure) serenaded us with every single song we want to hear! of course, Angie Aparo & his drummer would open for Edwin.
We would finish it off with some CARAKA ROCKETS & watch for SHOOTING STARS on the dock...! (Little Man will be in charge of sleeping bags!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Soul Sista!!! I love you !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't love such a tribute?
And I loved Momoir - beautifully and cleverly titled.
Waving at you from New York.
Your new blog buddy,